Meditasjon og dyp mindfulness i tradisjonen til Zenmester Thich Nhat Hanh

Wake Up Oslo
Om sanghaen
Wake Up Oslo is a community where young adults practice mindfulness in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
The community tries to be a place where we can better understand ourselves and each other. We practice being intimately aware of our breathing and our bodies—and listening deeply to ourselves and each other.
We meet every other Tuesday in an informal setting, and practice mindful walking and sitting, as well as “total relaxation”, a guided meditation done lying on the floor. We then practice dharma sharing, and drink tea together.
The group is nominally for young adults aged 18-35, but all ages are welcomed. You do not need to know anything about meditation or Buddhism or Thich Nhat Hanh to join our meetings.
Every other Tuesday from 18:00 - 20:30
Rinzai Zen Centre
English, but we switch to Norwegian sometimes
We also host other mediation events - from walking mediation outside, eating dinner together and other social events. We are trying to update everything on this website, but for now we use Facebook as our main information channel:
If you don't use facebook - you can write an email to
Susanne Trinh is one of the many facilitators at Wake Up Oslo, and she is also an OI-aspirant.
If you have any questions she will joyfully answer!
Susanne Trinh